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age old中文

用"age old"造句"age old" in a sentence"age old"怎麼讀


  • 年代久遠的


  • Also remember the age old boxing adage : lead with speed and follow with power
  • And by " age old , " she means , " showed up on the internet like two years ago , at most .
    她說的“古老” ,意思是指“出現在因特網上頂多兩年” 。
  • B : and by " age old , " she means , " showed up on the internet like two years ago , at most .
    她說的“古老” ,意思是指“出現在因特網上頂多兩年” 。
  • Sql server 2005 ages old , unused plans out of the cache only when space is required
    只有當需要空間時, sql server 2005才使舊的未用計劃從緩存老化掉。
  • Headaches may be an age old bedtime excuse for wives , but women really are more prone to pounding heads according to a new study
  • This wine has been vinified with the use of ultra modern winemaking techniques combined with age old traditional methods
  • Given this age old adage it is remarkable to discover just how many residential solutions are being developed in today [ dy ] s architecture world - wide
  • I who trembled , to feel at fifty leagues ` distance the groans of behemoth ` s rutting , and of the dense maelstroms eternal spinner of blue immobilities i long for europe with it ` s aged old parapets
  • These include age older than 50 years , symptom duration less than 6 months , weight loss , nocturnal symptoms , family history of colon cancer , rectal bleeding , anemia , and recent antibiotic usage
    這些包括:年齡大于50歲、癥狀持續(少于6個月) 、體重減輕、夜間發作、結腸癌家族史、直腸出血、貧血和近期抗生素使用。
  • In rural areas , cultural heritage is represented by a number of historic towns and antiquities but more particularly by the traditional settlements of the ethnic minority people and their age old customary ways of life
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"age old"造句  


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